Hydraulic Safety Bucket
The Hydraulic Safety Bucket is a safe way to bleed air from a hydraulic system and make a component pressure free.
The Hydraulic Safety Bucket consists of a metal bucket that is closed with a transparent lid. The lid has an incorporated Minimess® coupling to which a Minimess®-hose can be joined.
When bleeding air or making pressure free with the Hydraulic Safety Bucket:
- The user can see the oil safely flowing into the bucket via the Minimess®-hose.
- The user can easily observe and evaluate the stream of oil.
- There is no chance of injury caused by high pressure.
- There is no spray because the bucket is closed and the filter separates the spray from the air.
- The user has the use of both hands.
For more information please contact:
Richard Groen
The old way
The Hydraulic Safety Bucket way